X You can upload maximum 5 files

Optimize images to be small & good quality

or drag & drop here
Images are uploaded securely,
never shared with 3rd parties,
and deleted permanently once
the download link expires
(after 24 hours)
Image upload
Image width is a fixed value. Height is calculated automatically to maintain proportions (aspect ratio).
Image size:
Quality: %
Low Best

Simple Image Optimizer helps you prepare perfect images for websites and digital content.

Our image optimizer is like a Swiss knife and has many uses. The top five usages are:

  • Websites - to load faster
  • Presentation - to make it smaller
  • Email - To send smaller photos
  • E-commerce - to have good quality and small product photos
  • Advertising - graphics for advertising

Where is the value of using our image optimizer?

This tool can optimize JPG, PNG, and WEBP. Image or photo optimization is a specialty worth doing for websites because this significantly improves page loading time. Since approximately 60% of a website's content is made up of images, reducing their size without losing quality has a profound impact on:

  • User Retention - More users stay longer on your website or e-commerce store because your content loads faster and is better presented
  • SEO - your site ranks higher
  • Email - To send smaller photos
  • User Experience (UX) - especially important on mobile devices
  • Lower hosting cost - less data usage translates to savings on hosting

Our optimizer, based on proven algorithms perfected over 12 years, optimizes JPG, PNG, and WEBP images, reducing their size without sacrificing quality. The intelligent lossy compression engine keeps your images sharp and small.

How to use a Simple Image Optimizer?

  1. Select the image by clicking “Select Images” button or using drag & drop area;
  2. Define the dimensions to:
    • SMALL (640x) - width is 640 pixels, height will be calculated to preserve the original aspect ratio
    • MEDIUM (800x) - width is 800 pixels, height will be calculated to preserve the original aspect ratio
    • LARGE (1200x) - width is 1200 pixels, height will be calculated to preserve the original aspect ratio
    • Or use the Custom option, to define your width and height (resolution) expectation of the image

    Optional: Custom cropping (if needed): If the aspect ratio of the image does not match the selected resolution, Simple Image Optimizer will display a pop-up window asking you to choose how to crop the image to match the resolution. You can then make your selection to ensure the best possible result.

  3. Click “Optimize photo”; the tool will optimize the image based on the selected dimensions, reducing the file size without losing quality
  4. Once the optimization is done you will see two buttons “Download” and “Compare”. Thanks to the Compare option you can easily see the image before and after.

After optimization is done we have a bonus for you - image auto convert to WEBP. This is because WEBP is a very light format preferred for websites.

Simple Image Optimizer FAQ

What is a Simple Image Optimizer? display answer hide answer Simple Image Optimizer is a free online JPG, PNG and WEBP image compression tool that reduces image size without losing quality.

Is it free to use Simple Image Optimizer? display answer hide answer Yes, Simple Image Optimizer is completely free of charge. You do not need to install additional software and plug-ins to use this tool.

Does Simple Image Optimizer support custom cropping? display answer hide answer
Yes, if the aspect ratio does not match the selected resolution, Simple Image Optimizer will display a pop-up window to choose how to crop.

Does Simple Image Optimizer preserve image quality during compression? display answer hide answer Yes, Simple Image Optimizer minimizes quality loss during compression with its intelligent lossy compression engine.

Can I stop the compression process and start the optimization again? display answer hide answer Yes, just refresh the page and upload the original image again.

Is Image Optimizer compatible with Elementor plugin for WordPress? display answer hide answer Yes, Simple Image Optimizer can be used with Elementor plugin for WordPress.

Can I integrate Simple Image Optimizer with my CMS? display answer hide answer Currently, we do not offer ready-made CMS integrations. If you need such API please contact us.